Virtual roadshows: Creating meaningful connections

virtual road show

A virtual roadshow is a highly engaging presentation that allows businesses to provide their shareholders with the latest market updates and interesting opportunities through an online platform, allowing investors to join the event from any location across the globe.

We’ve already seen major conferences and trade shows making the decision to go virtual, with customizable exhibitor booths, on-demand content and chat forums. Virtual conferences replicate the feel of a physical event and guide attendees through a captivating, rewarding online experience complete with unique interactive features like keynote speaker panels, instant messaging, and even augmented reality product demos. But what about roadshows and smaller field events?

Benefits of hosting a virtual roadshow:

A virtual platform for roadshows delivers an immersive experience to your interested audience located across the world for a fraction of the cost of a physical event. They allow you to meet your attendees on their terms (at home or at the office, live or on-demand) and do not require the same amount of resources an in-person event may need. Other benefits include:

  • Building awareness and driving market value

A virtual roadshow delivers your message to your audience by leveraging the impact of live events with webinar technology. It allows your company to share detailed presentations with interested investors – proactively communicating your story to serious investors.

  • Expanding your target audience at a reduction in cost

Your virtual roadshow requires no travel, and even if your event has a regional focus, you can still expand the reach from your original target. 

Typically, costs for physical events include renting event space, hiring staff and caterers, paying for employee travel costs, putting speakers up in hotels.

Your virtual roadshow requires none of this. With a sound planning approach, the right technology in place, and the right way of managing those platforms, the virtual roadshow can be an effective way to mitigate business interruption and keep your audience actively engaged.

  • View on-demand

One of the best things about virtual events is their flexibility and ability to be viewed on-demand and provides your attendees with the ability to participate on their schedule.

Virtual events showcase your brand and increases traffic for product demonstrations and one-on-one meetings with the idea that attendees will come back again and again. Consider, for example, there were too many great sessions playing at the same time, or attendees want to grab some collateral to share with their CEOs. Whatever the need, virtual event attendees can revisit the experience on their own terms, and since virtual events can remain live year-round, this means an increase in ROI.

Your company can also leverage on the recording in a variety of ways, including being featured on your website, repurposed in email campaigns, and used as inspiration for future blogs and case studies.

  • Better data mining

Virtual events are master data-miners, leaving all kinds of clues into the attendees’ journey – demographics, session attendance, what type of content they’re viewing, marketing analytics (including email clicks and website analytics), survey data, and what resources they’re downloading.

Bottom line, if you want big data, go virtual. Event data can now be leveraged far beyond simply communicating with attendees to customising those communications as well as the attendee experience.

As virtual roadshows continue to use technology to collect more and more relevant information, you’ll be able to make better decisions not just about marketing, but also how to improve your business overall. Call PR | Re:public to help you plan your next virtual roadshow.

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